
Mathematical Strands

In the UK, children are taught Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics.


Children are tested on both their arithmetic and reasoning skills.

How Maths Is Taught In The UK.

Click on the links below to see the National Curriculum for Maths.


Key Stage 1 Maths ( for children aged 5-7 years)


Key Stage 2 Maths (for children aged 8-11 years)

How To Help Your Child At Home

Maths is everywhere and it is easy to get your child to practice their Mathematical skills in lots of different situations.

Make sure your child knows their times tables - they are so important!  Depending on the child, this can be done through games, songs, creating posters or reciting them while playing catch.

It is also important to give your child word problems to solve.  Instead of asking them 'What is 3 +1?' you could say 'I have three bananas and you have one banana, how many do we have altogether?'

Maths with Step into Tuition

Becky has taught Maths to children aged 5 up to children aged 11.  She has worked with children who are very gifted mathematicians and children with learning difficulties who really struggle with Maths.  She uses a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach to her maths teaching.  She has used various teaching methods and is very good at identifying and plugging gaps in mathematical knowledge and understanding.

Becky will be able to assess your child and advise on their next steps and will be able to support your child to make excellent progress.